Business Incentives

Beginning Farmer Bonds

9 November 2022

Beginning Farmer Bonds

Beginning Farmer Bonds are used to back below-market interest rate financing for eligible agricultural land, construction/improvements, breeder livestock, and equipment for qualified farmers.

Visit to learn more.

Calaveras Recycling Market Development Zone

9 November 2022

Calaveras Recycling Market Development Zone

(RMDZ) Loan Program with the following description “Calaveras County RMDZ includes all unincorporated portions of the County and is administered by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.  The loan program encourages businesses that prevent, reduce, or recycle recovered waste materials through value-added processing or manufacturing.  

Visit to learn more

California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA)

California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) & CA Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA)

9 November 2022

California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) & CA Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA)

The California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) has been providing low-cost innovative financing to California businesses. CPCFA can facilitate low-cost financing to qualified waste and recycling projects, and other projects to control pollution and improve water supply.

Pollution Control Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program: CPCFA also administers the California Capital Access Program (CalCAP), which encourages financial institutions to make loans to small businesses and provides for specialty programs targeted toward building an improved infrastructure for zero- and partial-emission vehicles and helping small businesses comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and seismic safety standards.

CalCAP for Small Business:

Collateral Support:

Seismic Safety Program:

ADA Financing Program:

CARB Heavy Duty Vehicle Air Quality Loan Program:

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Financing Program:

California Competes

9 November 2022

California Competes

State Income Tax credits available to businesses that want to come to California or stay and grow in California.

Visit to learn more.

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) CLEEN Center

9 November 2022

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) CLEEN Center

Offers financing to public agencies and non-profit corporations to help achieve the State’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and increase market confidence in green investing.

Visit to learn more.

Central Sierra Economic Development District & Mother Lode Job Training

9 November 2022

Central Sierra Economic Development District & Mother Lode Job Training

Partner with local economic development offices to bring workforce and economic development assistance to businesses and residents throughout the Mother Lode Region.

Visit and to learn more.

Employment Training Panel (ETP)

9 November 2022

Employment Training Panel (ETP)

Provides funding to employers for training associated with upgrading the skills of their workers.

Visit to learn more.

External Affairs/Communication Unit

9 November 2022

External Affairs/Communication Unit

GO-Biz Made in California – Podcast

#ShopLocalCA feature businesses in your community and use the hashtag #ShopLocalCA. Businesses are being shared and featured on GO-Biz's Twitter (@CAGOBIZ)


9 November 2022


California small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government.

Visit to learn more.


9 November 2022


Revised CA Small Business Loan Guarantee Program & Disaster Relief Loan Guarantee Program

Maximum guarantee $1 Million

Manufacturing and R&D Partial Sales and Tax Exemption

9 November 2022

Manufacturing and R&D Partial Sales and Tax Exemption

Manufacturers and certain research and developers may qualify for a partial exemption of sales and use tax on certain manufacturing and research and development equipment purchases and leases.

Visit to learn more.

Northern California Small Business Development Center – San Joaquin

9 November 2022

Northern California Small Business Development Center – San Joaquin

Business assistance to provide access to capital, consultants, and educational workshops thought a robust network.

Visit to learn more.

Office of Small Business Advocate

9 November 2022

Office of Small Business Advocate

The Office of Small Business Advocate (OSBA) unit within GO-Biz provides information and assistance to small businesses to help them succeed in the California marketplace. OSBA hosts a variety of summits, forums and interagency meetings. It also maintains a comprehensive list of resources for small business technical assistance, financing and state procurement. OSBA also advocates the need for businesses to become emergency ready. Review the information below on how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency events:

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

9 November 2022

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

Business customers investing in facility equipment, new construction, and energy efficiency measures are eligible for a variety of loans, technical assistance programs, and rebates.

Visit to learn more.

Regions Rise Together

9 November 2022

Regions Rise Together

Regions Rise Together is a vision for inclusive economic development and sustainable land use and transportation planning across California regions, with a focus in 2019 on inland California. This effort is led by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and CA Fwd.

Small Business Financing in California Guide

Tax Exemption for Farm Equipment

9 November 2022

Tax Exemption for Farm Equipment

Partial exemption from the sales and use tax became available under section 6356.5 for the sale, storage, use, or other consumption of farm equipment, machinery and their parts to qualified persons for use in qualifying activities. The partial exemption also applies to leases of certain farm equipment and machinery.

Visit to learn more.

Tax Increment Financing Opportunities

9 November 2022

Tax Increment Financing Opportunities

EIFDs and CRIAs were introduced by the California Legislature from 2014-2015, enabling a new model for financing infrastructure and economic development in California. The statutes authorize the creation of districts by a local city or county. Special districts may participate. They are the most widely used tax increment financing tools for economic development following redevelopment.  Update: On 10/9 Governor Newsom signed AB-116 (Ting), which alters requirements for the establishment of the EIFD. EIFDs now follow a familiar approval process to CRIAs – three public hearings that take place 30 days apart rather than district-wide voter approval.

The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA)

9 November 2022

The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA)

Provides full sales and use tax exclusion for advanced manufacturers, manufacturers of alternative source and advanced transportation products, and manufacturers using recycled feedstock.

Visit to learn more.

Timber Harvesting Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption

9 November 2022

Timber Harvesting Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption

Partial exemption from the sales and use tax became available under section 6356.5 for the sale, storage, use, or other consumption of farm equipment, machinery and their parts to qualified persons for use in qualifying activities. The partial exemption also applies to leases of certain farm equipment and machinery.

Visit to learn more.

U.S Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

9 November 2022

U.S Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.

Visit to learn more

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

9 November 2022

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

Several small business grant and loan programs.

Visit to learn more.


9 November 2022


Provides funding opportunities for rural small businesses through loans, loan guarantees, and grants.

Visit to learn more.